Therapeutic Massage

Nerves fried or in shock? Chronic tense muscles? Unidentifiable aching body? Injury that just won’t heal? Or do you feel fatigued or flat in a way you can’t pinpoint?

Juyhun’s approach is more than the usual massage techniques that remove just knots but creates

a Whole body experience.

She assesses your body with intuition and understanding of the interconnection of the structural and energetic bodies

to identify deeper roots of problems that lead to internal and external body tensions, misalignments, inflammation, and imbalances.

You will feel so nurtured and met at all levels with her compassionate gentle precise healing touch

to exactly release points of stubborn held areas of physical and emotional patterns, scar tissue, and ultimately be free of pain.

Her goal is to bring you back to feeling yourself, even better than you have ever felt before.

Post Covid Special Offering!

Feeling depressed, anxious, brain fog, in overwhelm? Nervous system in haywire?

Reset your nervous system. Calm your mind, body, and spirit.

Juyhun is currently offering expertise therapeutic medical massage to help you get out of PTSD freeze, fight, flight response from trauma.

She will help regulate your vagus nerve, cranial sacral, visceral organ and meridians, and other major systems that are stuck in hypervigilant and hypersensitive state

to allow for deep relaxation, healing, and integration to better cope with life.

Return back home to being yourself again!

PRICING: Signature massage $150/hour plus GET tax

MAT #17536